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Europe’s conservatives are teaming up to save the EU from Ursula’s Green Deal

“[Carbon] emissions must have a price that changes our behaviour”, said Ursula von der Leyen in 2019, when she was running for the Presidency of the European Commission – writes Adrian-George Axinia and António Tânger Corrêa*

It is now evident that the goal of these public policies was not merely to reduce carbon emissions—a pursuit that some consider utopian—but to exert direct control over the industry. From the start of her tenure, Ursula von der Leyen has expedited the implementation of the dual transition—both green and digital—as a primary objective of the European Commission.


By making a brief call to retrospection, we can observe a modus operandi of the European Commission that is otherwise removed from democracy, solidarity, and prosperity and it resembles a moral and professional decay of the bureaucratic fortress which has now taken over the machinery of the European Union. On numerous occasions, conservative parties such as AUR and CHEGA have warned that the EU has strayed from the project imagined by Konrad Adenauer or Robert Schuman.

Firstly, by using the pretext of the COVID pandemic, European bureaucrats accelerated the agenda coordinated by Ursula von der Leyen, connecting the NextGenerationEU with the green transition, i.e. with the Green Deal. Thus, the conditionality for allocating funds provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plans has become dependent on appropriating the Green Deal agenda by Member States.

Then, as soon as Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Commission found a new pretext to accelerate its Green Deal agenda. Hence, it established the REPowerEU mechanism, proposing to achieve EU’s total independence from fossil fuels by 2030. By accepting the terms of the Green Deal at the pace imposed by the EU, the sovereignty and energy independence of Member States has slowly started to suffer, and some states lost their positions in the energy market, as they had advantages conferred by natural resources they possess.

Perhaps for States that lacked such resources, such a plan would be an ideal, but national interest should prevail for all. At the moment, green energy is too expensive and too scarce to cover the needs of the EU market and its citizens, even more so in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, the increase in the price of pollution allowances issued under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme has further increased energy prices, lowering living standards across the EU.
But in the absence of a viable alternative, the claim to reduce carbon emissions in the EU by 55% until 2030 and by 90% until 2040 (100% by 2050), including by closing mines or eliminating gas and coal plants, will condemn the European economy to bankruptcy and the citizens to poverty and starvation. It is impossible to eliminate something without first having a viable replacement ready. Destruction cannot occur without an alternative already functional and available.

Although there was a strong backlash against the only two European political groups that have drawn attention to these dangerous issues, namely, the ECR and ID groups, some states have admitted that the official rhetoric is nothing but empty slogans, undermining what our forefathers have built over decades and centuries of hard work. For instance, Germany is shutting down wind farms to reopen its mines. This year, as farmers protests have spread across Europe, Ursula von der Leyen has slowly pressed on the brake and promised action to appease the protests.

However, the European political establishment, with its strong globalist agenda, is determined to impose its political and ideological goals at any cost, ignoring the economic impact on Member States and the living conditions of their citizens. Countries like Romania and Portugal, rich in fertile soil and natural resources, should be able to use their full economic potential, but instead, our organic development is hindered by some bureaucrats who were given democratic mandate by neither Romanian nor Portuguese citizens.

Moreover, considering the data, it is important to acknowledge that the European Union contributes only 7% of global CO2 emissions. In contrast, China is responsible for 29%, and the United States for 14%. Given these figures, how can the EU remain globally competitive if it undermines its own economic interests for the pursuit of certain political ideals?

Another controversial initiative from the European bureaucrats is the “Nature Restoration Law.” This legislative project, proposed by the European Commission, aims at rebuilding degraded ecosystems, restoring biodiversity, and enhancing nature’s positive impact on the climate and human well-being. However, critics argue that it represents a neo-Marxist and totalitarian vision which could lead to the destruction of hydroelectric plants, dams, and irrigation systems, increase the risk of flooding, reduce arable land, and infringe upon fundamental property rights. The potential outcomes of this law could include decreased food production in Europe, halted infrastructure projects, and job losses. In this scenario, how can Europe hope to compete with nations such as China, India, Russia, or the United States if it pursues policies that could undermine its economic stability?

The European Green Deal must be implemented with fair and equitable conditions that consider the specific circumstances of each Member State. This approach ensures that the transition to climate neutrality is socially sustainable and promotes economic development across all regions, rather than exacerbating existing disparities. It is crucial that these initiatives do not undermine national security or economic stability.

European leaders who genuinely aim for a cleaner planet, should showcase their diplomatic skills and efforts beyond Europe, addressing the significant contributions of other major economies like China and Russia to global emissions. This approach would avoid placing an undue burden on European states and citizens.

However, we need strong, visionary leaders in order for this to happen. Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni could raise Europe up from drift and put the European project back on its natural tracks. We need sovereigntist parties such as AUR and CHEGA in the European Parliament, parties that would fight for their citizens and represent their interests in European institutions. On June 9, conservatives are teaming up to give Europe’s resources back to its people and to save the EU from Ursula’s Green Deal.

  • António Tânger Corrêa is a Member of the Romanian Chamber of Parliamentarians, Candidate to the European Parliament for AUR; Former Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic; Candidate to the European Parliament for Chega, Vice-President of Chega

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