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l’auteur est Yi Da L’Aéroport international de la Capitale de Beijing vibre au rythme de l’Afrique. Les délégations des pays africains et de l’Union...


The European Union is closely monitoring recent political developments in Libya, where 75 out of 145 members of the High Council of State have...


Interview with the Daily Newspaper LIBERO Let’s start with the theme of the economy. In Italy, economic growth is slowly recovering, but it still...


Libya is a nation spiralling out of control. The fragile truce between the U.N. backed ‘Government of National Unity’ in the West, under Prime...

Latest News


By Adam H. As a referendum for Moldova’s accession to the EU is to be held this year, October 20th, many interested parties seem...


The second “Fusion” International Youth Culture and Arts Week kicked off in Brussels on August 26. This year’s theme is “Peace, Green and Friendship”....


Japan, which on Friday hosted the preparatory proceedings for the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD9), solemnly reiterated its non-recognition of the...


Our accomplishment is embodied in the sustainable urban development process writes Mazahir Afandiyev, Member of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan The...

Business News


By Adam H. Over the past year, Chisinau authorities have repeatedly stated that Moldova no longer depends on direct gas supplies from the Russian...


The landlocked nation of Laos wouldn’t be the first place that comes to mind when expecting to ride a bullet train, yet the high...


XHYRE, a next-generation technology provider for Global Asset Enhanced Marketplace platform based on blockchain, recently launched its latest product at the Blockchain Economy...


Dombey Electrics Inc. – –  was established in March 2010, and is now celebrating its 13year anniversary in a grand style. This is...